people streamed into the stadium 意味

  • 人々はスタジアムに続々と流れこんだ


        streamed:    {形} : 能力別に編成[クラス分け]された
        on the stadium:    スタジアムで
        stadium:     stadium n. (野外)競技場, スタジアム. 【動詞+】 A capacity crowd filled the stadium. 大入り満員の群衆が競技場を埋めた The stadium was packed to capacity. 競技場はぎゅうぎゅう詰めの満員であった. 【+動詞】 The stadium swiftly emptied.
        aloha stadium:    アロハ球場
        anaheim stadium:    《米?野球場》アナハイム?スタジアム
        arlington stadium:    アーリントン?スタジアム
        arrowhead stadium:    アローヘッド?スタジアム
        athletics stadium:    陸上競技場{りくじょう きょうぎじょう}
        ball stadium:    《野球》野球場{やきゅう じょう}
        baseball stadium:    baseball stadium 球場 きゅうじょう
        briggs stadium:    ブリッグズ?スタジアム
        busch stadium:    《米?野球場》ブッシュ?スタジアム
        cleveland stadium:    クリーブランド?スタジアム
        cornered stadium:    屋根付き球場
        county stadium:    カウンティー?スタジアム


  1. "people sometimes work hard to little purpose" 意味
  2. "people sound in body and mind" 意味
  3. "people standing in queues waiting for their turn" 意味
  4. "people still in the full vigor of youth" 意味
  5. "people streamed in" 意味
  6. "people suffered from the earthquake" 意味
  7. "people suffering mental disorders" 意味
  8. "people suffering under tyranny" 意味
  9. "people suspected of having acute bacterial endocarditis" 意味
  10. "people still in the full vigor of youth" 意味
  11. "people streamed in" 意味
  12. "people suffered from the earthquake" 意味
  13. "people suffering mental disorders" 意味

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